Al Williams and the One Instruction Wonder

Al Williams One of the authors behind Hackaday, a website that features electronic projects and other things that appeal to people interested in computers, electronics, and technologyHam radio operatorAuthor of many booksHas worked on everything from underwater technology to the International Space Station and just about everything in betweenWas on previous episodesEP#57: Mr. Williams, your book changed my lifeEP#94: Al Williams and the Field Programmable Gate ArraysFPGA bootcamps on Hackaday5 out now, 6 soonFPGA development boardsUpduino Max10 ArrowDigilentiCEstickDr. DobbsThe One Instruction WonderA Universal Cross AssemblerThe Commando Forth CompilerWrite 8-bit code in your browserAtari 2600 programming in browser with simulation!Verilog compiler for designing a 8-bit platform from scratchJone's forth compiler: JONESFORTHProject JupyterIPython Interactive ComputingThe Jupyter NotebookSpace suit decompresses in outer space

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