Power Hungry Venti-Q


Star Wars Detonator is 95% completeIt is inside the enclosure and works!Stand needs to be printed and wrap up the paintOriginal STL files for the detonator by Roel VeldhuyzenFuture of this project?USB Type-C Article UpdateUSB Type-C -> FTDI FT230X -> Parallax Propeller is completedExample is on our githubsNext is going to be a direct to MCU style like an ATmega32u4 unless someone else has a better idea from the slack channel?StephenEQ is functioning!Grtyvr from our Slack Channel came up with a good name – The Venti-QPower HungryMost of the bands work1 band has an oscillation problem1 band is pulling too much current2 or 3 bands are weakBuilding a test harness to test each band individuallyThe Super Simple Ribbon Mic live designSaturday Feb 2 @ 6pm Central on the MacroFab Twitch ChannelPreamp design for the MicrophoneMechanical Design (design of the ribbon frame and the case)Audio Connection (USB? XLR?)R.F.O.One board dev kit has three snap off STM 8 microcontrollersOne development board with three break off boardsHas three different tiers of 8-bit STM microcontrollers: STM8L001J3, STM8L050J3, STM8S001J3STM8-SO8-DISCODon’t Toss That Bulb, It Knows Your PasswordSmart Bulbs contain your WiFi credentials in plain text. Surprise!Common Electrical Engineering Interview TopicsLuke Metro has been interviewing with Bay Area startups and big tech companies during his last year of collegeA good list to start becoming a better Electrical Engineer

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Tags: electronics podcast, EQ Build, FT230X, FTDI, Interview topics, MacroFab, macrofab engineering podcast, Ribbon Mic, ST Microcontrollers, Star Wars Detonator, USB Type-C, Venti-Q