CONTENT WARNING: Discussions of violence, death, horror tropes, sex work, misogyny, prison, gore, body horror, war, transphobia, transphobic representation, politics and current events.

Kristin Devine of Roll to Play Podcast Network, Powered by the Players, and Christmastide, OH joins us for the mother of all action antihero movies…and its sequel. It’s no secret that John Carpenter hates sequels; he famously refused to direct Halloween II because he didn’t think it needed to be made. Still, in 1981 he gave us an action/horror movie so incisive, direct, and badass that it begged for more of this character and story. Then-child star Kurt Russell broke his Disney mold and sneered his way into movie stardom, paving the way for a generation of jaded, broodier action heroes. Kurt poured himself into Snake Plissken, and there’s no doubt that he’s the reason a sequel was made. But the charm and scrappiness of the first film gets caught in a terrible, recycled script and some of the worst CGI we’ve seen in a major-studio movie. But there’s something there, something that feels even more prescient given the times we’re living in right now - we could really use some more Snake Plissken right about now. We’re finishing off our action series with Escape from New York and Escape from L.A this week on Macintosh & Maud Haven’t Seen What?!

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Intro and outro music taken from the Second Movement of Ludwig von Beethoven's 9th Symphony. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Hong Kong (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 HK) license. To hear the full performance or get more information, visit the song page at the Internet Archive.

Excerpt taken from “Main Title” from the film Escape from New York, composed and performed by John Carpenter and Alan Howarth. Copyright 1981 Avco Embassy Pictures Corp.

Clips taken from the film Escape from New York are © 1981 Avco Embassy Pictures Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Excerpt taken from “Escape from New York Main Title” from the film Escape from L.A., composed by John Carpenter and Alan Howarth, and performed by John Carpenter. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures.

Clips taken from the film Escape from L.A. are © 1996 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

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