Canada is the quintessential transatlantic nation; our security and prosperity are intimately tied to the security and prosperity of both sides of the Atlantic. Our interests and values are deeply linked with and shared by our NATO allies; Canadians have spent considerable blood and treasure in defence of European democracy, and Canadians continue to stand on guard in Europe to this day.

To better understand these issues, the Macdonald-Laurier Institute has produced "Across the Pond" - an 8-part podcast series by MLI's Transatlantic Program, in cooperation with NATO's Public Diplomacy Division. This podcast series explores the current and emerging challenges facing Canada and our NATO allies amid a world in flux.

This first episode features a conversation between MLI Senior Fellow Balkan Devlen and Damien Arnaud, the head of the Canada Program at NATO's Public Diplomacy Division. Devlen and Arnaud outline the topics and issues that the series will cover, setting the stage for the rest of the series, as well as the challenges in the information space (such as disinformation) facing the Alliance today.