Previous Episode: MacBites - Episode 0060
Next Episode: MacBites - Episode 0062

In this episode, we have new toys at MacBites HQ, Lara Croft rides again and we play buzzword bingo in more ways than one


MacBites Learning
MacBitesLearning on Twitter
AppleTV update
Should Elaine watch Lesbian Vampire Killers - yes or no? let us know
Elaine's Pixelmator video
12 Days of Christmas app
ProductiveMacs bundle
MacUpdate bundle


Elaine’s new toy
Credit card on iTunes
Derek the iTunes Voucher spotting Sherlock
iMessage Farce
The Two Ronnies Mastermind sketch
Out of Sync Notifications
VMWare Fusion
Adobe and Flash and other nightmares
The new Adobe upgrade policy
Scott kelby's plea to Adobe
Photoshop Elements in MAS v boxed product
Google Death Squad Ride Again
Google Catalogs
Google Bar
Google+ with Added Twitter
ChromeBook on iPad
Logic Pro 9
EyeTV Upgrade and LaunchBar
Tell Me v. Siri
MacBitesSiri on Twitter
Minster's video - MacBites Newsflash

Feedback and Comments

Minster's audio
Jane’s MacBites Listening Marathon
MacBites Episode 1
MacBites Episode 4 - Leopard Launch Special
MacBites Episode 6 - iPhone Launch Special
MacBites Episode 9 - The 13 minute episode
MacBites Episode 15 - The Goombay Dance Band
MacBites Episode 16 - Koi Pond
MacBites Episode 37 - Sensitive wrist action

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