Previous Episode: Mac OS Ken: 04.13.2011
Next Episode: Mac OS Ken: 04.15.2011

IDC: Apple Grows Mac Sales in 1Q CY2011 While PC Sector Contracts / Silicon Alley Insider: Microsoft Likely to See Hurt from PC Sales Contraction / Electronista Looks at the Hurt Put on Acer by iPad and Its Own Management / Gartner Blames PC Sales Contraction on Media Tablest (aka iPad) / Cross research Analyst Argues Against Arguments for Fall Launch of Next iPhone / Report: Touch Screen Suppliers Say They have Heard Nothing Yet About a New iPhone / IHS/iSuppli: Online TV Revenue Hits $1.6 Billion in 2010 / Ticonderoga Analyst Sees Actual TV from Apple This Year / Bloomberg/Businessweek Sources Say White iPhone 4 Finally on the Way / JP Morgan Analyst Says CDMA iPhone Could Mean Additional 9-Billion Dollars for Apple in 2012 / Apple Hiring Cloud Systems Software Engineer for Super Cool, Super Secret Cloud Type Stuff / TUAW Sees Spike in “Missing” Apps on iOS App Store / Intel: Thunderbolt Developer Kit Due Out This Quarter