Richard Glaser has been in the Apple management space as long as anyone. His work on radmind helped shape the direction many management platforms took and he (and the excellent team he works with) continue to make lives better for MacAdmins everywhere.

Guest: Richard Glaser, Assistant Head for Client Platform Services, University of Utah Hosts: Marcus Ransom - @marcusransom Charles Edge - @cedge318


Building a custom set of tools that bridge the support gap SLC Punk revrdist MacAdministrator PodcastProducer Radmind Auto Image Creator AEiOS (Automated Enterprise iOS) Enterprise Streaming Services Application Management Best Practices - WWDC 2004 Session 630 White Paper: Mac OS X Enterprise Application Management - Best Practices Presentation: Mac OS X File System Maintenance with Radmind Poorly Made Apps Application Management Best Practices - WWDC 2004 Session 630 #jctl - MacAdmins Channel python-jamf jctl


VMWare Workspace One Halp Watchman Monitoring

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