Rear View Theatre #5 - JOSS-TICE LEAGUE

In this episode of "Rear View Theatre", Corey and Marc continue to re-watch the DCEU before the release of "Zack Snyder's Justice League" on March 18th, 2021.

Today they tackle 2017’s “JUSTICE LEAGUE” (but we refer to it as JOSS-TICE LEAGUE due to Joss Whedon's involvement)

0:55 - Corey and Marc dissect the good and the bad from 2017’s “JUSTICE LEAGUE”. 

26:49- The guys get into some categories of the film, including “Most Rewatchable Scene, Best Easter Egg, and who could John Candy have played.

Have a question for the fellas? Follow us on social media @MCTVPodcast, or visit

Music provided by WHALE AND THE WOLF. Check out their music on Apple and Spotify.