Previous Episode: The Candy Lady

The curious case of cults! Bhagwan Rajneesh and his Sannyasins are at the forefront of today's discussion. Join Holly & Justine as they explore the lives, teachings, and illegal activities of Rajneeshpuram citizens.

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Anna Silman: 9 Rajneeshpuram Residents on What Wild Wild Country Got Wrong

Hugh Urban: Rajneeshpuram Was More than a Utopia in the Desert. It Was a Mirror of the Time.

Janja Lalich: Why do People Join Cults?

Britannica Biography: Bhagwan Rajneesh

Joe Carter: 9 Things You Should Know About the Rajneeshees

Christopher Calder: The Enigmatic "Bhagwan," Osho Rajneesh

Reddit AMA

Lewis F. Carter: The Oregon Colony at Peak Development

Census of India

Myles Bonnar & Steven Brocklehurst: The Scot who was the sex guru's bodyguard

Youtube Video: Bhagwan Rajneesh

Ian Norris: Can We Transcend Materialism?

LCMS Org: Human Potential Movement Making Love, Sacred Experience Capitalism/Communism Revolution You are Responsible The Story Behind Wild Wild Country

Corinne Cummings: 11 Things We Learned From Jane Stork's Memoir

Anuj Bansal, Ashish Mittal , and Vikas Seth: Osho Dynamic Meditation's Effect on Serum Cortisol Level

Youtube: Bhagwan about Drugs

Douglas Perry: What happened to the Rajneeshees' Oregon paradise? Photos show decay, rebirth

State of Oregon: Antelope

AP Archive: Rajneesh Taken to Oregon to Face Charges Jesus Never Died\