On this episode we had the pleasure to talk to Photography/videography Joseph Mikos AKA @josephmikos on Instagram. We talked about photography, editing, traveling, being a good person and much more. 










"Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, now living in South Florida. I currently service both Florida and New York, but am available for hire all over the country. Absolutely love to travel, especially for work and/or with the camera.
College graduate with a BA in Communications: Film & Broadcasting
I shoot both photo and video with a focus on weddings and music festivals/tours. No stranger to real estate, lifestyle, and branding, as well! Shooting photos and video is more than a job, its a passion.

I travel very often and believe the best way to live is to get away and experience new environments and new people. Photography/videography has given me countless opportunities to do just that. It's always an amazing feeling to capture special moments in other people's lives that they can cherish forever. I hope to shoot moments like this for as long as I can hold a camera."