The first half of the Lykken on Lending program will start with Rob VanRaaphorst and his MBA Mortgage Minute. Next up is Les Parker’s TMSpotlight, a macroeconomic perspective on the economy with a music parody.  Then we have Alice Alvey of Union Home providing a regulatory & legislative update followed by Allen Pollack giving us a Tech Report of the latest technology impacting our industry. To wrap up the first half the program we have Andy Schell, a/k/a “Profit Doctor” sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.

If you want to check out the Hot Topic from this episode, you can click here.
The first half of the Lykken on Lending program will start with Rob VanRaaphorst and his MBA Mortgage Minute. Next up is Les Parker’s TMSpotlight, a macroeconomic perspective on the economy with a music parody.  Then we have Alice Alvey of Union Home providing a regulatory & legislative update followed by Allen Pollack giving us a Tech Report of the latest technology impacting our industry. To wrap up the first half the program we have Andy Schell, a/k/a “Profit Doctor” sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.

If you want to check out the Hot Topic from this episode, you can click here.