In our Hot Topic this week we have Rich Swerbinsky, President & Chief Operating Officer at The Mortgage Collaborative on the program to discuss what they are seeing the mortgage industry doing………

A complete 180 in terms of the type of business climate they are now close to two years of record production, massive amounts of refinancing activity, 30 year fixed rates, and the low to mid twos throughout all of that. And for lenders, it is really just about executing their pipeline and then managing some of the pandemic-related changes, like work from home and some of the changing borrower-related demands that went along with that.  Now as they get into the new year, they have seen 30 year fixed rates, interest rates have jumped up to their highest levels in over two years, the refinance volume has dropped and lenders are hyper-focused on the future of their business. Automation, technology, partners M & A; either growth or in some cases looking to be maybe merged or folded in with another organization just the automation of tasks in general. It is mind-boggling how human the mortgage industry and the mortgage manufacturing process still is, really? And the pandemics had a lot to do with it!

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In our Hot Topic this week we have Rich Swerbinsky, President & Chief Operating Officer at The Mortgage Collaborative on the program to discuss what they are seeing the mortgage industry doing………

A complete 180 in terms of the type of business climate they are now close to two years of record production, massive amounts of refinancing activity, 30 year fixed rates, and the low to mid twos throughout all of that. And for lenders, it is really just about executing their pipeline and then managing some of the pandemic-related changes, like work from home and some of the changing borrower-related demands that went along with that.  Now as they get into the new year, they have seen 30 year fixed rates, interest rates have jumped up to their highest levels in over two years, the refinance volume has dropped and lenders are hyper-focused on the future of their business. Automation, technology, partners M & A; either growth or in some cases looking to be maybe merged or folded in with another organization just the automation of tasks in general. It is mind-boggling how human the mortgage industry and the mortgage manufacturing process still is, really? And the pandemics had a lot to do with it!

Want to read more about the episode click here!