Co-hosting duties this week were awarded to Sean whose TE Kittle put up the most points in week 9. However, I was late in coordinating with Sean this week so Sean gets a rain-check and will be joining as co-host on a later episode. That coordinating snafu is totally on me.

This week I review week 9, the 4-way tie for the best record that almost was (Mahommie's fault), the snooze-fest that was every game last week (everyone but Gabor's fault), Gabor's Sage Yahoo Autodraft squad that is on a 3-week winning streak (WAT?), and we unveil the weekly top money getters for the first time!

With week 10 upon us, it's that time of year where we all start to make our playoff push and for some, the clock is ticking. This week I'm watching two games in the "undecided" division that members of the "not sure" division will have a direct hand in and depending on what we do could have really interesting implications for the playoff run of several teams in the "undecided" division.

Want to follow along? Check out our Yahoo league HERE.

Liked this week's opening song, check it out on Spotify