Daffodils are my favorite flower, and it seemed that last year’s lockdown began, just as the daffodil season ended. What does that mean? I don’t know, but this year, as the daffodils begin their new season, well, so am I!

I’m Susan Schwartz, your drinking companion, and this is Lush Life Podcast, every week we are inspired to live life one cocktail at a time.

Next Tuesday, I bring you Season 6 of Lush Life. Out of necessity, lockdown made me a home bartender. As I sat there sipping my handmade G&T, I knew that if I were going to survive lockdown, as well as make myself anything more than a two-ingredient cocktail, it was time to brush up on my at-home bar skills. 

I began grilling my guests for their advice. This season, I go one step further.  Now instead of asking just for their top tips for the home bartender, I want to know everything. 

So welcome to my How to Drink season. We’ll be dissecting a particular spirit, a tool, a garnish to learn everything we can about it, from its history to, most importantly, how to use it to make fantastic cocktails. We’ll be talking flavor, Calvados, Liqueurs, Reyka Vodka, and so much more with some of my past Lush Lifers, as well as lots of new guests!

I will also be learning how to read again - opening those dogeared cocktail books I’ve been devouring in the past year with the geniuses who wrote them.

So join me next week when class is in session.

The Avallen & Tonic is our cocktail of the week!


50ml Avallen CalvadosTonic WaterSlice of Apple


Fill a Highball glass with iceAdd 50ml of Avallen calvadosTop with your favorite tonic!Garnish: apple wedge

You’ll find this recipe, plus all the cocktails of the week, at ALushLifeManual.com, where you’ll also find all the ingredients in our shop


Become a supporter of A Lush Life Manual for as little as $5 - all you have to do is go to buymeacoffee.com/lushlife.

Lush Life Merchandise is here - we’re talking t-shirts, mugs, iPhone covers, duvet covers, iPad covers, and more covers for everything! And more! 

Produced by Simpler Media

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