What cocktail combines three days of activities, collaborations, guest shifts, and seminars in Barcelona and bar industry legends from some of the most famous bars in the world with one serious message? That would be the Paradiso Sustainability Summit 2023.

On 21, 22, and 23 March 2023, I was fortunate to attend the second edition of the Paradiso Sustainability Summit, organized by Giacomo Giannotti and his Team in partnership with Ketel One Vodka through their Garnished with Good program.

For those who might not know, Giacomo’s bar Paradiso was ranked Best Cocktail Bar in the world for The World's 50 Best Bars 2022, and this summit was established as an exchange of ideas and tools with the aim of raising awareness and making the industry more sustainable.

Also at the Summit and joining us today on Lush Life is not only Giacomo but also Matthew Dale from Re in Sydney, Agung and Laura Prabowo and Saan Dhakal from Penicillin in Hong Kong, Paul Voza from Himkok in Oslo; Tato Giovannoni from Floreria Atlantico in Buenos Aires, Alex Francis from Little Red Door, Paris, and Dennis Tamsa from Ketel One.

It was truly an eye-opening event, I know they more than inspired me to do so much more to be sustainable!

The cocktail of the week is Paradiso’s The Cloud:


40 ml Mezcal Union 40 ml Amaro 10 ml Fino sherry infused with hibiscus20 ml xilitol cordial1 piparra Sparkling water 


Add all the ingredients to a highball glass filled with iceTop with sparkling waterGarnish with a nasturtium leaf and a coffee cloud

You’ll find this recipe and all the cocktails of the week at alushlifemanual.com, where you’ll find some of the ingredients in our shop.

Full Episode Details: https://alushlifemanual.com/paradiso-barcelona-sustainability-summit-2023


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