We all know that relationships can be as exciting as they are challenging. In this episode, Laura and Betsy are thrilled to have Laura Smilski, a Holistic Love & Lifestyle Coach, on to share her own expertise and insights into this dynamic and diverse subject.  We will dive deep into areas such as online dating, the importance of communication and how past experiences can manifest in present day situations.  She also shares with some of the common issues she sees in her own practice and how to start addressing them today.

*Laura Smilski is a Holistic Love & Lifestyle Coach and the owner of Luminous Living. She is a graduate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and has specialized her Health Coaching practice to focus on guiding individuals toward building and improving a more fulfilling inner relationship with themselves. Laura provides accountability, support and action-oriented goals for her clients, which they then implement into their daily lives to achieve the inner healing and awareness necessary for miraculous shifts. Find her online at www.LuminousLiving.ca or on Instagram @laura_smilski