Entrepreneurship is sexier and more popular than ever.  Thanks to social media entrepreneurship is now akin to Rock Stardom.  

But is entrepreneurship really right for everyone? 

How do you know if you're an entrepreneur or a "wanna”-preneur?

In this episode, Betsy and Laura explore the reasons behind the rapid rise in entrepreneurship, how it differs from intrapreneurship, and why your ultimate success and wealth will come with finding the path or least resistance. 

Why Entrepreneurship is sexier and more popular than than ever. [2:35] The different between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur. [5:45] Drinking the Kool Aide and Integrity in online entrepreneurship. [7:40]  Redefining risk and failure [12:00] Why Generators and Mani Gens don’t always have to work [15:45] Misalignment looks like success and burnout. [17:45] The key to healing burnout. [19:00] How to step into intrapreneurship. [23:25] Choosing the path of least resistance. [27:47]



Private Coaching with Betsy is for women who hold a big vision for their lives and business and are ready to experience true momentum & growth.  

With a focus on full HD integration, embodiment practices, and accountability, this container is for you if you are ready to embrace the Divine Feminine that lives within and push your growth edges. 

This high-touch coaching experience includes weekly coaching calls, Voxer support, and access to all live programs during our time together. CLICK HERE TO EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS. 


376. How to Navigate Change in Your Entrepreneurial Vision with Brittany Keeling

395. Getting Unstuck & Finding Work that Lights You Up with Ashley Stahl


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