Brandy Falcon is a Licensed Acupuncturist and holistic wellness expert who helps women and their families lead joyful, empowered lives. 

She offers a variety of natural modalities through her online business Falcon Healing Arts - from Chinese Medicine Health Coaching to Shamanic & Energy Healing - which serve her clients on the level they’re ready for. 

With her extensive background in Biology, Brandy has a unique approach to wellness which bridges Eastern and Western Medicine; as well the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual dimensions of health.

The duality of western and eastern medicine. [2:30] Shifting her expertise into the healing arts. [6:00] The pull of authenticity. [10:19] Cultivating self-trust when facing criticism.  [13:15] What is shamanic healing? [16:40] Soul retrievals. [20:48] The different cultural traditions of shamanism. [24:00] Experiencing a shamanic journey. [26:50] Opening to the evidence of energetic healing. [36:16]


Connect with Brandy @falconhealingarts Find her work at