Today we are very excited to be speaking with one of our students, the wonderful Jess Penesso. Jess is a brand strategist and a mindful influencer. Since we started working with Jess a year ago, she’s increased her Instagram following by 5X and moved from the mindful space into the influencer and coaching space.


Today we are diving into how Jess has grown her brand with intention, enthusiasm and alignment. Jess has infused mindfulness into all aspects of her life, from her yoga practice to how she views her 9 to 5. She lays out the small steps to build your own brand, what it means to speak to the right followers, and how to take great photos for your social media feed.






What a mindful influencer is [ 3:01 ] How to change your mindset on your 9 to 5 [ 7:27 ] Small steps to growing your personal brand online [ 10:17 ] Tips to better appeal to your social media audience [ 12:40 ] Why you should invest in photos of yourself [ 14:25 ] How to get over being nervous about taking Instagram videos in public [ 17:43 ] Why mindfulness is so necessary in today’s noisy world [ 21:05 ] Jess’s secret sauce to business growth [ 23:06 ]




Connect with Jess:


Instagram: @jesspenesso Website: Podcast: Mindful Influencer Podcast