Today on the podcast we are diving into the power of crowdfunding with Sarah Moe. She explains why you should consider crowdfunding if you are starting a business and why this is especially important if you are a female entrepreneur. You’ll also learn the hidden benefits of a crowdfunding campaign and common pitfalls to avoid.


Sarah Moe is a former lawyer, who is now a business and crowdfunding coach. She’s been featured on Girl Boss, Bustle, and CNBC. Sarah works for I Fund Women, a company that is on a mission to fund more female-founded businesses.






What crowdfunding is and why it’s important [ 5:21 ] The biggest misconceptions about who can crowdfund [ 7:15 ] How to use crowdfunding as a marketing tool [ 9:03 ] Hidden benefits of a crowdfunding campaign [ 10:39 ] The power of an emotional video to back your campaign [ 13:57 ] Why campaigns fail [ 17:10 ] Why women should consider crowdfunding [ 20:25 ] How to position yourself now to crowdfund in the future [ 22:07 ] The money mindset shift required for crowdfunding [ 25:56 ] How to start crowdfunding [ 28:10 ] What’s different about crowdfunding with I Fund Women [ 29:51 ] Sarah’s origin story from corporate litigation to supporting entrepreneurs [ 35:36 ]




Connect with Sarah:

I Fund Women website: Coupon code for I Fund Women: SARAHMOE Instagram: @ifundwomen Facebook: @ifundwomen