Stevie Wright is a certified Food Freedom Coach, who helps women ditch their drama with food so that they can stop hating their bodies and find freedom. She’s recently deepened her coaching practice in order to help women rediscover their innate worth, find their voice, and get comfortable being seen and heard.

As a singer and a healer, Stevie is teaching women to use their voices and harness their inner power. Today, Stevie shares how to move forward even when you feel stuck, how to speak to your fear, and how important it is to reconnect to your inner child.






Why Stevie stopped health coaching [ 2:40 ] The feelings that arose around going to back to a full time job [ 5:00 ] What a coach must do before helping anyone else [ 6:25 ] Why we need to not hustle for our worth [ 8:10 ] How alignment changes hustle [ 10:30 ] What Mercury retrograde teaches us about business [ 12:20 ] How to avoid comparison [ 15:58 ] The expanded definition of trauma [ 18:00  ] How to move forward when you think you’re stuck [ 22:50 ] An exercise to identify and lighten your fear [ 26:50 ] How Stevie used her gift of singing for healing [ 30:30 ] How to give your inner child a voice [ 37:30 ] How to have grace with yourself when reparenting your inner child [ 42:00 ]




Connect with Stevie:


Website: Instagram: @stevielwright_




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