In our experience, we’ve been held back not by the fear of failure... but by the fear of success.

When we opened ourselves up to figure that out, our business fundamentally changed. So today, we are giving you the five steps you’ll need to combat the fear of success in your business.



The root of what is blocking you from receiving success [ 2:30 ] One of the core limiting beliefs when you come from the employee mindset [ 5:14 ] The masculine nature of traditional definitions in business [ 6:47 ] How masculine business beliefs can sabotage your success [ 8:38 ] What “upper limit syndrome” is [ 10:07 ] What “one-day syndrome” is and how it manifests [ 11:14 ] 5 steps to combat the fear of success [ 16:30 ] How to use the moon to address your fear of success [ 20:00 ] How to identify resistance [ 20:32 ] One of the hardest skills to master as a woman [ 24:30 ]




Books We Discussed:

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

In our experience, we’ve been held back not by the fear of failure... but by the fear of success.

When we opened ourselves up to figure that out, our business fundamentally changed. So today, we are giving you the five steps you’ll need to combat the fear of success in your business.



The root of what is blocking you from receiving success [ 2:30 ] One of the core limiting beliefs when you come from the employee mindset [ 5:14 ] The masculine nature of traditional definitions in business [ 6:47 ] How masculine business beliefs can sabotage your success [ 8:38 ] What “upper limit syndrome” is [ 10:07 ] What “one-day syndrome” is and how it manifests [ 11:14 ] 5 steps to combat the fear of success [ 16:30 ] How to use the moon to address your fear of success [ 20:00 ] How to identify resistance [ 20:32 ] One of the hardest skills to master as a woman [ 24:30 ]




Books We Discussed:

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks