We talk a lot about having a strong money mindset and the importance of calling in abundance…. But what does that mean in terms of how much money you are making in your business?  In today’s episode we are breaking down how to tap into your masculine and feminine energy to start filling your bank account.



The true definition of abundance [ 2:26 ]

How we should talk about money in 2019 [ 5:26 ]

How to create space for more abundance in your life [ 7:54 ]

The biggest mistake we see new entrepreneurs making with their money goals as they start out  [12:54 ]

What you NEED to know about revenue vs. profit [13:59 ]

A special note for Network Marketers who are looking to solidify their financial goals [ 17:54 ]

Why you need to get clear on your money goals to be successful

[ 25:46 ]

Our biggest money lesson from  2018 [ 27:56 ]


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