If you are listening as this releases on the 25th, Merry Christmas! Today is a special episode, as we answer questions from our Luscious Hustler Insiders. We’re channelling Oprah, and doling out free Christmas coaching for everyone!



How to define your unique message [1:44] How to stay high vibe when life throws you a curveball [5:57] The astounding connection between personal and business development [12:24] How to execute as a multi-passionate creative [13:57] What to do if you’re multi-passionate ideas are all unrelated [18:34] How to make the leap from employment to entrepreneurship [21:04] What so many new entrepreneurs struggle with [25:54] How to reach your ideal client in the beginning [27:56] The 411 on program design [30:53] How to price a program [34:14] What we would change in our programs [ 38:02 ]


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