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Paramount Pictures released Top Gun on May 18, 1986. Tony Scott directed the film starring Tom Cruise, Tim Robbins, and Kelly McGillis.

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Paramount Pictures released Top Gun on May 18, 1986. Tony Scott directed the film starring Tom Cruise, Tim Robbins, and Kelly McGillis.

Originally released on August 16, 2011 as our first ever review on Lunchtime Movie Review.

‘Top Gun’ Plot Summary

In Top Gun, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell begins Miramar’s elite Fighter School, also known as Top Gun. As the overly-impulsive pilot competes with the best of the best, he meets a group of people who shapes his future for better or worse. Charlie is the flying school’s curvaceous astrophysics instructor, whom he falls for. Iceman is a brilliant and highly competitive fellow student that’s is every bit Maverick’s foil. As Maverick’s training progresses, he loses his best friend and Radar Intercept Officer, Goose. Throw in the increased haunting of his father’s death under mysterious circumstances, and our hero must find a way to suppress all his emotions if he is to take the prestigious Top Gun Trophy.

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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The post Top Gun (1986) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

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