Paramount Pictures released The Bad News Bears on April 7, 1976. Michael Ritchie directed the film starring Walter Matthau, Tatum O'Neal, and Vic Morrow.

The post The Bad News Bears (1976) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

Paramount Pictures released The Bad News Bears on April 7, 1976. Michael Ritchie directed the film starring Walter Matthau, Tatum O’Neal, and Vic Morrow.

‘The Bad News Bears’ Movie Summary

Morris Buttermaker is an ex minor league pitcher who’s now a lazy, beer-chugging, swimming pool cleaner on the verge of bankruptcy when he takes money to coach a kids baseball team called the Bears. Since these misfits have little to no baseball talent, Buttermaker recruits his ex-girlfriend’s daughter, Amanda Whurlizer, who’s an ace pitcher, to pick up the slack. He also uses her looks to recruit Kelly Leak, a juvenile delinquent who just so happens to be the best player in town. Now full of talent, these young kids hope to win the championship game against their nemesis, the Yankees… but at what cost?

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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The post The Bad News Bears (1976) appeared first on Movie House Memories.