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Troma Entertainment released Surf Nazis Must Die to theaters on July 3, 1987. Peter George directs the film which stars Gail Neely, Robert Harden, and Barry Brenner.

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Troma Entertainment released Surf Nazis Must Die to theaters on July 3, 1987. Peter George directed the film starring Gail Neely, Robert Harden, and Barry Brenner.

‘Surf Nazis Must Die’ Movie Synopsis

In Surf Nazis Must Die, an earthquake leaves the California coastline in ruins. With the beaches in chaos, a self-proclaimed Führer of the new beach leads a group of neo-Nazis into fights with rival surfer gangs to seize control. However, when these thugs kill an oil well worker out for a jog on the beach, they get them a new enemy—the man’s mother. His death devastates her and she vows revenge. With more a handguns and grenades than she can carry, the woman breaks out of her retirement home and exacts total vengeance on them.

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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The post Surf Nazis Must Die (1987) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

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