New World Pictures released Heathers on March 31, 1989. Michael Lehmann directed the film starring Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, and Shannen Doherty.

The post Heathers (1989) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

New World Pictures released Heathers on March 31, 1989. Michael Lehmann directed the film starring Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, and Shannen Doherty.

‘Heathers’ Plot Synopsis

Veronica Sawyer is part of a clique at the Westerburg High School known as the Heathers. She only tolerates their nasty and shallow behavior because she wants to be a popular student. One day, Jason Dean comes to town and befriends Veronica. He soon questions her relationship with the Heathers. When one of the Heathers winds up dead, the two fake a suicide note. In turn, she becomes more popular among the students, and that stars a killing spree in the school.

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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The post Heathers (1989) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

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