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Universal Pictures released Cry Baby on April 6, 1990. John Waters directed the film starring Johnny Depp, Ricki Lake, and Amy Locane.

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Universal Pictures released Cry Baby on April 6, 1990. John Waters directed the film starring Johnny Depp, Ricki Lake, and Amy Locane.

‘Cry Baby’ Plot Summary

In Cry Baby, Allison is a square, goody two shoes who decides she’s going to be bad for a change. That’s when she gets a hunk, a hunk of burning love for a Drape named Cry-Baby Walker. Even though he’s a bad boy, he has a heart of gold and falls for Allison too. However, after she dumps her equally square boyfriend for him, the ex sets out for revenge ’50s style!

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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The post Cry Baby (1990) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

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