Twentieth Century Fox released Alien to theaters on June 22, 1979. Ridley Scott directed the film starring Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, and John Hurt.

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Twentieth Century Fox released Alien to theaters on June 22, 1979. Ridley Scott directed the film starring Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, and John Hurt.

‘Alien’ Plot Synopsis

Alien begins in the distant future as the commercial spaceship, Nostromo, returns to Earth. When it intercepts a distress call from a distant moon, the ship’s android wakes the seven-member crew from hypersleep. They all then head to the source of the signal. While exploring the moon, a small team of the crew comes across a derelict spaceship with a section containing thousands of eggs. When one of the crew nears the egg, the parasite inside it attaches to his face. They bring him back onboard, and the spaceship takes off. After a little while, the parasite dies and the crew member wakes up seemingly no worse for wear. Everything returns to normal, but that doesn’t last for long.

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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The post Alien (1979) appeared first on Movie House Memories.

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