
To another episode of Lunch Break Nerd Brawl where we put 2 superheroes against one another and debate who will win in this fight. This week we bring you week 2 of our bracket style tournament madness thing. This week's theme is tech based heroes from Dc Comics and Marvel.

In one corner we have Cyborg aka Victor Stone of the Justice League previously Teen Titans and now on the hit show Doom Patrol. Able to hack anything in mere seconds, teleport himself or other through the use of "boom tubes" and of course, super strength, flight, self-healing and much more.

In the other corner defending the Marvel brand: Vision [specifically from the Marvel Cinematic Universe] With the use of the Mind Stone giving him all kinds of super powers like laser blasts and also having the ability to manipulate his density to give him flight, phasing through objects, and much, much more.

After listening feel free to join the conversation on our facebook page to chime in on who's right and who's wrong. Also, please don't forget to give us a 5 star review if you haven't already we'll be thrilled!