Thank you 'Brawlers' for listening to another episode of Lunch Break Nerd Brawl. The podcast where a couple nerdy nerds debate nerdy topics while our less nerdy friend judges us.

Yes you read that right we have a Stranger than fiction idea this time. We go triple blind brawl this time. Picking 2 weird wacky DC comics characters The late circus aerialist murdered in his prime, Boston Brand haunts the Earth in search of justice as Deadman.

Facing off against Tenzil Kem of the Legion of Superheroes aka Matter-Eater Lad possessing the power to eat matter in all forms.

Who will win this wacky war and triumph over Ty's tricky tests he tempts us with.

Listen in and join our debate on facebook and social media pages alike. Let us know too please how you found us, we would love to meet you and hear your thoughts on our nerdy topics.