Let's talk about the hurdles of getting men to the doctor...

Why is it so hard to have men attend their much-needed doctor’s appointments?

Research shows that hundreds of thousands of men mostly die from cancer every single year, but Cleveland Clinic’s study says that only 3 out of 5 men actually go to their annual visit. 40% of men will only go to a doctor once they think the problem is already too serious to not care about. And even when they do visit, around 20-30% of them admitted to have not been honest, withholding important information from their attending physician.

This problem has been going on for who knows how long already, mostly because of men’s fear to get that diagnosis, and not only does it affect them, killing them fast and early, but those who are around them suffer from the hurdles, too.

So join Dr. Berry today as he talks about this issue, reminding men to take care of themselves if they want to live life better and longer.

In this episode, Dr. Berry discusses why it’s hard to get men to attend their doctor’s appointments, even just the annual visit, as he shares ways how those around men can help men take care of themselves in a better and more serious way.

Why you need to check out this episode:

Understand, from a man and a doctor’s perspective, why it’s not easy to have men meet their doctor for a health check appointment; Discover why those who are around men shouldn’t take the entirety of the responsibility to take care of men; and Find out how we can help men take their health in a serious manner without driving them to withhold information as they visit their doctor

“I say this all the time. When it’s about your health, you gotta leave that pride to the side. Pride needs to be set aside when we’re talking about healthcare.” -Dr. Berry Pierre

Notable Quotes:

“Very often, the avoidance of care and the withholding of care are two of the biggest issues that are killing us. It’s not like it’s always hurting us. No, it’s killing us. We are dying sooner, we are dying younger because we either avoid the system, the diagnosis or if we get forced to the system, we’re like, I’m not gonna tell them 100% of the things I want to tell them because I know how Dr. Berry does… and all of a sudden, I have a bigger problem that I know of.” – Dr. Berry Pierre

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