We bitcoiners do our best to self custody our bitcoin: 

we use hardware wallets
we create our own seed tossing a coin 256 times
we store them in metal
we multisig

But, how do we protect our sats from a 5 $ wrench attack?

To talk about that I sit down today with Jameson Lopp, Cofounder and CTO  of Casa, the company that makes it easy to buy and secure bitcoin  without wondering whether you’re doing it right.

Twitter de Jameson: https://twitter.com/lopp
Web de Jameson: lopp.net 
Lista de ataques físicos documentados: https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bitcoin-attacks/blob/master/README.md  Más información en https://lunaticoin.com

Apoya el podcast en Patreon https://bit.ly/Patreon_Luna

Mención especial a los sponsors de este podcast:

Compra bitcoin sin KYC en HodlHodl: https://bit.ly/hodlhodl-luna
Infórmate sobre Minería en Braiins: https://bit.ly/Braiins_Luna
Vive con cripto en Bitrefill: https://bit.ly/Bitrefill_Luna
Protege tu tráfico online con IVPN https://tiny.one/IVPNLuna
Toma prestado con bitcoin en http://bit.ly/Lend_Lunaticoin

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