00:00 The true meaning of love and inclusion
01:00 I take no responsibility for your personal choices
06:00 Martin Hohmann's anti-Semitic speech in 2003
12:00 NYT: Germany confronts the enemy within, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/world/europe/germany-military-neo-nazis-ksk.html
1:28:00 Moral grandstanding
1:32:40 Mike: Summary of my findings/feelings on the LF Sphere history and JQ conflict, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtkpOdi-ilg
1:40:00 Eric Weinstein - What happened to Jeffrey Epstein?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvxYiIRkLTE&feature=emb_title
1:54:00 What's the end game, Jeff?
2:21:20 Dex Quire joins, talks Western civilization
2:32:00 Dex lived in Japan 1990-1992
3:02:00 Bukkake is a judgment free zone
3:07:00 Great literature is a judgment free zone
3:10:00 Walt Whitman
3:12:00 Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
3:15:00 Paradiso by Jose Lezama Liso
3:20:00 Ulysses by James Joyce
3:23:00 Don Quixote
3:25:00 The Falconer by John Cheever
3:39:20 A Dream Deferred (1997) by Shelby Steel
3:46:30 Gandalf joins, not a fan of Whitman
3:57:00 Dooovid joins
4:12:00 The Things They Say behind Your Back: Stereotypes and the Myths Behind Them (1982) by William Helmreich, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=132337
4:41:00 Jews in banking and Wall Street
5:26:45 Tucker Carlson honors Americans who protected their way of life during government shutdowns
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Hohmann, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/world/europe/germany-military-neo-nazis-ksk.html
This Week's Parasha (Chukat-Balak) Numbers 19-25, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=132397, https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/2492386/jewish/Texts-Summaries.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balak_(parsha), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chukat_(parsha)
https://www.dennisprager.com/column/the-present-moment-has-set-blacks-back-a-half-century/, http://openmedia.yale.edu/projects/iphone/departments/rlst/rlst145.html

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