00:00 I was sick all week
03:00 Joe Rogan says he's sorry, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/special-episode-joe-rogan-sorry-not-sorry
09:00 Elliott Blatt joins the show
10:00 WSJ: The World Is Likely Sicker Than It Has Been in 100 Years, https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-world-is-likely-sicker-than-it-has-been-in-100-years-11644057003
18:00 Omicron hit Southern California much harder than the Bay Area. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-02-01/why-southern-california-hit-harder-by-omicron-than-bay-area
32:00 NFL playoffs
40:30 The rise and fall of internet blood sports, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_srE0LG-Lg
44:00 Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality, https://www.amazon.com/Virtually-You-Dangerous-Powers-Personality/dp/0393340546
1:08:20 Ethan Ralph and the Fallout of Internet Bloodsports (Nick Fuentes, Andy Warski, Baked Alaska), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_srE0LG-Lg
1:10:00 Apparently I am worth $2 million, https://wiki.projecttopics.org/bio/60557-who-is-luke-ford-net-worth-age-wikipedia-family-biography.html
1:12:00 A Mister Metokur Interview on Mersh, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2iWkr4taVo
1:19:00 Mersh vs the Jews
1:22:00 Owen Benjamin vs Mersh
1:25:500 Matt Christiansen vs Mersh
1:30:30 YouTube's Dark Truth, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB__MppRUsw
1:33:30 Tim Pool loves to say sensational things like the USA is headed for civil war, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onXJ7PItu8g
1:35:30 Joe Rogan's recent apology video, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/special-episode-joe-rogan-sorry-not-sorry
1:47:00 John Mearsheimer On Handling Russia And China, https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/john-mearsheimer-on-handling-russia
1:49:00 Biden's foreign policy
1:51:30 VMI will change honor system that expels Black cadets at disproportionate rates, https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/02/05/vmi-honor-court-reforms/
1:53:00 So, You Think the Republican Party No Longer Represents the People, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/02/opinion/liberals-conservatives-democracy.html

Arab: I read "Everything You Love Will Burn," a book by some Nordic guy who spent a few years among these guys and in which Jeff Schoep is a supporting character (the main one is Matthew Heimbach). Quite a few of the characters you've spent the last 4 years talking about show up in there.

One of the major themes is the quandary Schoep and Heimbach have: both want to be part of a more presentable "white rights" movement, yet the only way they can get anyone to show up at their events is by inviting the Klan and waving swastikas. So they only way they can carry any weight is to hold the rallies with freaks and losers, yet nobody will take them seriously if they do...

Consciously or not (in Heimbach's case it is explicit) they're all trying to get close to Richard Spencer during the time of the book (up until Charlottesville), because he is what they aspired to be (clean cut, eloquent, taken seriously intellectually if still reviled). Yet as Spencer tries to become a public figure, he's increasingly relying upon people like Heimbach to come to his rallies. It's a fascinating view of an extreme parallel to modern e-celebrity, where there's a food chain and people are used and disposed of on purely utilitarian grounds. Ideology is almost completely secondary.


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