00:00 Sins of My Father: Growing Up with America’s Most Dangerous White Supremacist, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=134806
03:00 Homegrown Hate: The War Among Us
17:00 Tucker Carlson on the VP debate
18:30 Will Dems pack the court?
19:30 Did Kamala Harris dodge the question?
47:15 White supremacists rampage in Wisconsin
1:03:00 Adam Carolla: The fly on Mike Spence's head last night

The Man Who Ran Washington: The Life and Times of James A. Baker III, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=134787
How President Trump Ruined Political Comedy, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/07/magazine/trump-liberal-comedy-tv.html

Homegrown Hate: White Supremacy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCPwrnk66pM&ab_channel=ABCNews

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