AFTER UVALDE: Guns, Grief & Texas Politics,

New Yorker: How to Build a Better Motivational Speaker: The upstart motivator Jesse Itzler wants to reform his profession—while also rising to the top,

If Jesse Itzler truly wants to reform his profession, he should send out an email and place a prominent link on his websites saying "Do not buy my products." Then he should explain that some people are likely to be better off not buying his stuff. For example, losers should probably overcome their addictions and get their life together via free and almost free methods such as 12-step programs, pay off their debts, and from a secure base of a flourishing life they can then make better decisions whether or not to spend money to up their motivation. If you have disabling problem with credit cards or alcohol or sex, you can find nearly-free help through programs such as AA and SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) and DA (Debtors Anonymous). Get sober before you start spending on my stuff, Jesse should say. He should outline the type of person who likely benefits from his programs -- a high performer who wants to get even higher, a six-figure sales guy who wants more, a successful entrepreneur who wants more success.

Tony Robbins should do something like this too. Any self-respecting success-selling sales guy should have the integrity to point out that many vulnerable people should stay away from trying to buy hope and success through their products. "Don't subscribe to my emails if you don't already earn six figures!" would be a good start. "Some people are better off not subscribing to me!" would be an important message. Just as some people can't handle one drink or one bite of ice cream without triggering a craving, some people should not open themselves to the temptation of buying success. Just as betting ads contain prominent messaging about how to get help for your gambling addiction, success salesmen should promote responsible messaging about getting help for your buying hope addiction.

I've read over 200 self-help books in my life. I've listened to hundreds of hours of Tony Robbins talks and other self-help material. Until I got sober in various 12-step programs for emotional addiction, self-help did me no good.

In 2008 and 2009, as I was sinking deeper into credit card debt, I spent over $12,000 on success programs. Some things I learned in these programs were essential for a gig I got over the next five years that earned me about $75,000 for modest effort. Two years ago, I spent $500 for an online program about health. I don't know if it was worth it.