01:00 Loyalty over truth is usually an effective life strategy
04:00 Joe Biden's brief reaction to Supreme Court immunity ruling
16:00 Victor Davis Hanson on Biden's speech
23:00 James Carville says the country is clamoring for change
28:30 WSJ: Democracy’s Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated, https://www.wsj.com/articles/democracys-death-has-been-greatly-exaggerated-election-vote-a32f2a88
33:00 January 6 did not affect the lives of 99.99% of Americans, it was just embarrassing
38:00 Trump the Realist: The Former President Understands the Limits of American Power, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/donald-trump-realist-former-president-american-power-byers-schweller
53:30 HOOKUPS: are they freeing or defensive?, https://thisjungianlife.libsyn.com/hookups
57:00 Pig butcher scams, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=156015