Polls, questions, super chats: https://entropystream.live/app/lukeford
00:00 Peloponnesian War
22:00 The Real Coronavirus Chronology Shows Trump Was On Top Of It While Biden Was Mocking The Danger
33:30 NYT: The Rising Heroes of the Coronavirus Era? Nations’ Top Scientists
47:30 NYT: How New Jersey’s First Coronavirus Patient Survived
50:00 Texas Face Mask Maker Running Only One Shift
55:00 For some US Jewish communities, serious outbreak linked to mass Purim parties
1:20:00 Revenge of the CIS: Philip DeFranco's Totally Natural Interview With Dr. Fauci, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lUeGMOuqL4
1:26:30 J.F. Gariepy on the politics of the pandemic, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Lny9Jf1SQ
1:38:00 What's the source of the covid-19 virus? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpQFCcSI0pU
1:45:00 Bill Gates: Pandemic is 'nightmare scenario,' but national response can reduce casualties, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bill-gates-pandemic-is-nightmare-scenario-but-national-response-can-reduce-casualties
1:50:00 David Pakman on Duginism, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWlDJcKW1OY
1:53:20 NYC DOC: COVID19 - A New disease requiring NEW treatment, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3ka8lo_fZ8
1:58:00 Fortress Russia is well prepared
2:11:45 INXS lead singer Michael Hutchence assaulted in Copenhagen in 1992, his life goes downhill until his suicide in 1997
2:39:30 JF Gariepy on Covid-19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrg1KkbaJ5Q
2:52:00 Doctors, Doctored Numbers, and Democracy
2:59:45 Richard Spencer tags police in a tweet at Ramzpaul
3:02:45 Jared on the JQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UEsVrVbXKg
3:11:00 RS on FEMA camps, Alex Jones
3:17:30 The Next Phase in the War on COVID-19 | Robert Wright & Mickey Kaus, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy10zi18seI
3:25:00 Luke's interviewed by Tim Humphreys

My Roger Devlin interview: https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=73147

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