00:00 KMG's troubles with Paypal, Canadian tax office
05:00 How Paranoid Is Too Paranoid?
10:10 Coronavirus Update [latest news stories]
25:00 Brexit live
31:10 Yale: Too Stale, Pale & Male [includes WSJ essay, Babylon Bee story]
37:00 Ezra Levant: HIDDEN CAMERA: Police interrogated me about my Justin Trudeau book. 51:00 YouTube blocks professor Jordan Peterson's response to alt-right accusations
1:06:20 Journalists, Heal Thyself! [Jesse Singal essay]
1:21:44 BOOK CLUB: The Scramble For Europe: Young Africa On Its Way To The Old Continent
2:00:00 Richard Spencer, JF Gariepy vs Halsey English on Israel
5. Bug Apocalypse [includes ZeroHedge locust story & Engadget story on edible bugs]
6. Billie Eilish: Paragon Of Modern Feminity [NYT profile]
Halsey vs JF on Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NShvRcMm0jY
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Listener Call In #: 1-310-997-4596
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Periscope: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1yNGapPLNejKj
Soundcloud MP3s: https://soundcloud.com/luke-ford-666431593
KMG Archive: https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=125728
Code of Conduct: https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=125692
Prepare! http://PrepareWithLuke.com
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Paypal: [email protected] (Kevin Michael Grace)

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