Full disclosure - this film is not our geek niche, though we give full and due respect to that niche (at least until the sequel). In fact - this turned out to be Matt's first viewing of the film.

So, to balance the scales, we've got a guest, Jonathan Meville, who has fully immersed himself in the making of this cult classic. He recently published a fantastic book, "A Kind of Magic: The Making of the Original HIghlander," on that very topic and you should hit up this US Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Kind-Magic-Making-Original-Highlander/dp/1913538052/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=melville+kind+of+magic&qid=1609577883&sr=8-1

Or this UK one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kind-Magic-Making-Original-Highlander/dp/1913538052/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=kind+of+magic+melville&qid=1609577988&sr=8-1

Please do like, subscribe, and rate on all the things like Facebook, Twitter, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. Wherever you happen to be hearing us, really.

Luke is getting back into extensively talking about monsters, and you will want to hear him here - especially if you are into Monster Hunter: https://gintendo-namer.squarespace.com/monster-mash

And for more of the music you're hearing here, you heard Matt's sounds at the end of this link: https://rovingsagemedia.bandcamp.com/album/underground-sound