Ending our monster month with a whole lot of them damn bugs. Gotta kill them all!! That or get into all the socio-facist implications of this under the radar satire, which is far more fun to do in podcast form.

To get all this rolling on the right track, we have today's guest, Tom Secker. Tom is a British journalist who has written for Atlantic Today, The Independent, Newsweek, The Mirror, and the list goes on. His focus is a objective look at the military-industrial complex's influence on cinema and he co-wrote a fantastic book called "National Security Cinema," which focuses on that very thing. Get into his work at his Spy Culture website: https://www.spyculture.com/

Please do like, subscribe, and rate on all the things like Facebook, Twitter, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. Wherever you happen to be hearing us, really.

Luke is getting back into extensively talking about monsters, and you will want to hear him here - especially if you are into Monster Hunter: https://gintendo-namer.squarespace.com/monster-mash

And for more of the music you're hearing here, you heard Matt's sounds at the end of this link: https://rovingsagemedia.bandcamp.com/album/the-high-desert-prophecies-ep