Wrapping up 80's sci-fi/comedy month with a film that is, of course, a full-on genre sci-fi that manages to deftly jump into those comedy waters. Yes, it is the Star Trek that bonk bonks you on the head about the whales and treats you to some colourful metaphors. Joining us for this romp is an away team from the fantastic Star Trek podcast Women at Warp. They take a look at Star Trek from a multitude of angles with a feminist perspective, and it is fantastic listening for all. Here is their Starbase: https://www.womenatwarp.com/

Please do like, subscribe, and rate on all the things like Facebook, Twitter, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. Wherever you happen to be hearing us, really.

Luke talks to you about true PokeLove at Luke Loves Pokemon: https://twitter.com/lukelovespkmn

And Matt’s music for today’s episode lives here: https://rovingsagemedia.bandcamp.com/album/aterui-lord-of-the-bad-road

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