The Gooch is here and they go over Aurora's recent trip to Santa Barbara, drinking wine, and meeting her fashion twin, Aurora met a friend of a friend of someone on 90 Day Fiancé.  Aurora also goes over her trip to San Francisco, good restaurants and not being able to find lesbians. They talk about homeless and feeling safe in San Francisco, L.A and big cities in general.  The Gooch talks about being inadvetently pervy to a cookie-smelling waitress. They talk about what's good for breakfast, and breakfast spots. Continuing on the food topic they talk about their favorite kind of food. They discuss Aurora not eating meat, and in a related topic they talk about the Netflix series, Beef. Aurora mentions her recent stress test. They talk about 90 Day Fiancé, which leads into discussion on being friends with exes. They end the podcast about talking about a concert they're going to, and Aurora's upcoming trip to Disneyland.

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