Aurora's friend, Leia is here!  They talk about Leia's long career in massage therapy and how she gets to the bottom of her client's pain.  Leia talks about her date with a Kings player, how she came up with the idea to start massaging, her rockstar vs. rich clients, and even creepy clients.  That leads to talk about unsolicited messages and images on social media. Aurora wants to be sexy, and wants to know how to flirt.  They talk mashup cosplay, different types of nerds including music nerds knowing too much.  They talk celebrity crushes, which leads into Leia sharing her love of fellow countryman Jason Momoa.  Next they share their various pet peeves.  They talk about their rules for being hit on, and a bit of flirting advice. They end by talking a little more about their eventful, and exclusive brunch. Check out Leia and her Rockstar Massage:

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