Lucky is ready for week 6 of college football! Only 18 dances involving teams ranked in the Top 25 so Lucky had to find some bottom feeders to fill the big card!

Lucky is featuring the big RED RIVER RIVALRY between #6 Oklahomie Sonars and #21 Texas Long Hornies and the TOP dance of the week has to be the #4 Penner State Nitney Kitty Cats travel to Iowa City and tangle with the newly minted #3 Hawkeyes! And to sprinkle a little loser magic dust to the mix.. Winless UCONN travels to Winless UMASS for the rights to the Toilet Bowl!

Lucky is picking the losers correctly 83%! Lucky's Losers he always picks the losers. This episode is linked to Internet Archive specific for ITunes Podcast! Test 2