WEAK 11 was a loser for Lucky no thanks to these big time losers...OREGON, BAYLOR AND TEXAS! AND How does NC State lose to 2-7 Boston College, AT HOME...How does Kentucky lose to 3-5 Vanderbilt, AT HOME...How does UCLA lose to 3-6 Arizona, AT HOME...How does 8-2 Liberty lose to hapless 5-5 UConn???? Lucky is now picking the losers correctly 77% after week 11!

Week 12 has some boring dances, only one that could cause havoc in the College Football Playoff race, that would be #7 USC visiting hapless UCLA! But he is ignoring this dance and boycotting the NC State waltz with Louisville. Shame on the College Football Playoff Committee! Lucky is also, kinda featuring the race to 10 losses...the BATTLE of 1-9 teams!

Lucky's Losers he always picks the losers!