Introduction to "Cardano (ADA) Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Network"

In this episode of the Lifestyle, Travel & Technology podcast, the hosts Alexander, Garry & Nikki discuss a cryptocurrency recently gaining a lot of hype for their developments within the industry. Charles Hoskinson, the CEO of the company behind the ADA token - IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) - has been making big moves and continuously announcing this updates on Twitter and other various platforms. Since the beginning of the year the cryptocurrency managed to increase in value by approximately 200%. The update of the Shelly network represents the fully decentralized network and has been implemented recently, making it possible for ADA holder to stake their Cardano tokens and earn a reward for doing so. This can be compared to a dividend pay-out for traditional dividend paying stocks.

Tune in to find out more about this revolutionary crypto trying to shake up the industry.

Podcast Episode Summary

History and Background of the Cardano Cryptocurrency What can Blockchain Technology do for a user?Ethereum vs Cardano possible collaboration or partnership with LItecoinYear-to-date gains up 200% for CardanoCrypto Market and Stock Market reflection during the PandemicDeFi Market BoomLibra Project by Facebook


Alexander - "...each cryptocurrency has its own aim or purpose - one might be for financial transactions and the other one might be for verification processes..."
Garry - "...I have an Adblocker for chrome I also have Ghostery - it keeps track of trackers of websites..."
Nikki - "...we had corona and the after effects, I am sure the market has been shaken up a lot..."

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