Pastor Tom Roepke joined co-hosts Mark Zimmerman and Gabe Collins for Wednesday Morning Bible Study on Heartfelt Radio's Mornings with Mark and Gabe. 

We do a deep dive into the concept of "shoes" and what the bible has to say.  All of the conversation was to help spur along the Buckner’s Shoes For Orphan Souls collection drive in partnership with Heartfelt Radio. 

Buckner works with needy children in the U.S. and abroad to provide new shoes for children who do not have shoes or parents.  Buy a brand new pair of socks and sneakers for a child who has never worn shoes before, and include a personal note for the recipient.  Each recipient gets their feet washed by a Buckner representative, a new pair of socks and shoes that fit them, the note you’ve written to them, and most importantly, the Gospel message!

Your donation of a new pair of shoes can make an immediate and eternal impact in the life of a child! 

You can learn more here #MorningsWithMarkAndGabe #HeartFeltRadio #ShoesForOrphans